Elastic Grids

- XLogo


Imagine a very elastic grid. Undeformed it appears as a regular lattice of squares. Apply a function and each vertex is deformed from its original position. The grid appears stretched or twisted.

The grid has corner co-ordinate values of [1,1] [1,-1] [-1,-1] [-1,1]

You can alter the mesh size of the grid by changing the :Size varible shown in red in the Go procedure.
You can also comment out one line of code to draw only horizontal or vertical lines.

To New
  # set default screen, pen and turtle values
  ResetAll SetScreenSize [400 400] HideTurtle
  SetSC Black SetPC Green SetPS 1 PenUp

To GridPos :I :J
  Make "Rect Function :I :J
  Output List 180*First :Rect 180*Last :Rect

To Function :X :Y
  Output List :X :Y   # unchanged

To Go
  Make "Size 19     # increase (eg 29) for finer grid
  For [L 0 1] [
    For (List "I Minus 1 1 2/:Size) [PenUp
      For (List "J Minus 1 1 2/:Size) [
      If :L=0 [SetPos GridPos :I :J PenDown]     # vertical lines
      If :L=1 [SetPos GridPos :J :I PenDown]     # horizontal lines

Copy and paste to replace the Function procedure with one of the following functions which stretch and distort the grid.
Increase the grid Size to 29 for more detail.

To Function :X :Y
  If :X< 0 [Make "XSign Minus 1][Make "XSign 1]
  If :Y< 0 [Make "YSign Minus 1][Make "YSign 1]
  Make "X Power :X 2
  Make "Y Power :Y 2
  Output List :XSign*:X :YSign*:Y

To Function :X :Y
  Make "X :X + 0.05 * Sin 360* :Y
  Make "Y :Y + 0.05 * Cos 360* :X
  Output List :X :Y

Paste one of the above into the XLogo.

Add in the following two procedures which allow the use of polar coordinates to stretch and twist the grid. The first converts polar to rectangular (PtoR), the second rectangular to polar (RtoP) co-ordinates.

To PtoR :RadDist :Theta
  # convert polar to rectangular co-ordinates
  LocalMake "X :RadDist *Sin :Theta
  LocalMake "Y :RadDist *Cos :Theta
  Output List :X :Y

To RtoP :X :Y
  # convert rectangular to polar co-ordinates
  LocalMake "Dist Sqrt ((Power :X 2) +(Power :Y 2))
  If :X<0 [Output List :Dist 180 +ATan :Y/:X] [
    # else :X >0
    If :Y<0 [Output List :Dist 360 +ATan :Y/:X]
    [Output List :Dist ATan :Y/:X]]
  # else :X =0
  If :Y<=0 [Output List :Dist 270] [Output List :Dist 90]

Then, copy and paste to replace the Function procedure with one of the following functions.

To Function :X :Y
  Make "Polar RtoP :X :Y
  Make "RadDist First :Polar Make "Theta Last :Polar
  If :RadDist <1 [
    Make "RadDist Power :RadDist 0.4]     # change 0.4 to 2
    Output PtoR :RadDist :Theta

To Function :X :Y
  Make "Polar RtoP :X :Y
  Make "RadDist First :Polar Make "Theta Last :Polar
  If :RadDist <1 [
    Make "Theta :Theta- 100*(1-:RadDist)]     # change 100 to 200
    Output PtoR :RadDist :Theta

To Function :X :Y
  Make "Polar RtoP :X :Y
  Make "RadDist First :Polar Make "Theta Last :Polar
  Make "RadDist Power :RadDist 0.4
  Output PtoR :RadDist :Theta

Paste one of the above into XLogo.

Here is an alternative rectangular to polar converter, using trigonometry instead of a second turtle to calculate the angle. It's a bit more mathematical, as ArcTan must be modified for each quadrant. Also, you have to ensure you never divide by zero.

To RtoP :X :Y
  # convert rectangular to polar co-ordinates
  LocalMake "Dist Sqrt ((Power :X 2) +(Power :Y 2))
  If :X<0 [Output List :Dist 180 +ATan :Y/:X] [
    # else :X >0
    If :Y<0 [Output List :Dist 360 +ATan :Y/:X]
    [Output List :Dist ATan :Y/:X]]
  # else :X =0
  If :Y<=0 [Output List :Dist 270] [Output List :Dist 90]

Grid 1
Elastic Grid 1


Grid 2
Elastic Grid 2

Book Info
Geometric And Artistic Graphics
Pages 139-146

Procedures blue
Variables pink
Comments green
Library gray