# Main Command: Go # Haiku by Guy Walker # www.logoarts.co.uk to new # set default screen, pen and turtle ResetAll SetScreenSize [400 400] HideTurtle SetSC Black SetPC Green SetPS 1 PenUp end to init Make "AdjList [calm cool tiny new fresh early first light soft sudden] Make "NounList [showers dawn dew moon evening stars mist blossoms sun leaves snow breeze buds flowers trees] Make "VerbList [fall open close greet serenade blow pile swim float catch hold fade] Make "Adj :AdjList Make "Noun :NounList Make "Verb :VerbList end to go New Init SetFontSize 22 SetPos [-180 102] Label (List PickAdj PickAdj PickNoun PickVerb) Wait 30 SetPos [-180 70] Label (List Pick [in with of so through on] PickAdj PickNoun PickVerb "and) Wait 30 SetPos [-180 38] Label (List PickVerb "the PickAdj PickAdj PickNoun) end to picknoun Make "Selection Pick :Noun Make "Noun Remove :Selection :Noun Output :Selection end to pickadj Make "Selection Pick :Adj Make "Adj Remove :Selection :Adj Output :Selection end to pickverb Make "Selection Pick :Verb Make "Verb Remove :Selection :Verb Output :Selection end