
- XLogo animation

A tumblng cube. The new xyz position of each corner is calculated from the original starting positions. X is horizontal, Y is vertical and Z is depth. Here, the Z position is also used to determine the size of the circles, larger when near, smaller for further away.

To New
  # set default screen, pen and turtle values
  ResetAll SetScreenSize [400 400] HideTurtle
  SetSC Black SetPC Green SetPS 1 PenUp

To Init
  Make "AngleX 0
  Make "AngleY 0
  Make "AngleZ 0
  Make "M Count :Color

To Draw
  While ["True] [
  Make "N 1
  Make "AngleX :AngleX+5
  Make "AngleY :AngleY+7
  Make "AngleZ :AngleZ+3
  Repeat :M [
    Make "Xd Item :N :ShapeX
    Make "Yd Item :N :ShapeY
    Make "Zd Item :N :ShapeZ
    Make "Zx :Xd*(Cos :AngleZ) - :Yd*(Sin :AngleZ) - :Xd
    Make "Zy :Xd*(Sin :AngleZ) + :Yd*(Cos :AngleZ) - :Yd
    Make "Yx (:Xd+:Zx)*(Cos :AngleY) - :Zd*(Sin :AngleY) - (:Xd+:Zx)
    Make "Yz (:Xd+:Zx)*(Sin :AngleY) + :Zd*(Cos :AngleY) - :Zd
    Make "Xy (:Yd+:Zy)*(Cos :AngleX)-(:Zd+:Yz)*(Sin :AngleX)-(:Yd+:Zy)
    Make "Xz (:Yd+:Zy)*(Sin :AngleX)+(:Zd+:Yz)*(Cos :AngleX)-(:Zd+:Yz)
    Make "Z :Zd + (:Xz+:Yz)
    Make "X (:Xd + (:Yx+:Zx))*((:Z+300)/295)
    Make "Y (:Yd + (:Zy+:Xy))*((:Z+300)/295)
    SetPos List :X :Y
    SetPC Item :N :Color Circle 4+(:Z+200)/50 Make "N :N+1]
  Refresh Wash Wait 15]

To 3DShape
  # cube
  Make "ShapeX [80 -80 -80 80 80 -80 -80 80]
  Make "ShapeY [80 80 -80 -80 -80 -80 80 80]
  Make "ShapeZ [80 80 80 80 -80 -80 -80 -80]
  Make "Color [1 1 2 2 3 3 6 6]

To Go
  New Animation 3DShape Init Draw

Try out some of these other 3DShapes. Or write one of your own!

To 3DShape
  # tetrahedron
  Make "ShapeX [0 -80 80 0]
  Make "ShapeY [-65 -65 -65 65]
  Make "ShapeZ [80 -50 -50 0]
  Make "Color [1 2 3 6]

To 3DShape
  # diamond
  Make "ShapeX [80 -80 -80 80 0 0]
  Make "ShapeY [0 0 0 0 113 -113]
  Make "ShapeZ [80 80 -80 -80 0 0]
  Make "Color [2 6 2 6 1 1]

Paste one of the above procedures into XLogo editor. Type go to run.


Procedures blue
Variables pink
Comments green
Library gray