
- Chinese pictures

The Chinese tangram consisits of 7 pieces, five triangles, a parrellogram and a square. They easily form a square and a host of other shapes. These were usually supplied in silouhette form, as a puzzle you had to recreate the shapes.

This programs draws the seven tangram pieces as they transform from one shape to another. The pieces are drawn from the centre to allow for rotation.

To New
  # set default screen, pen and turtle values
  ResetAll SetScreenSize [400 400] HideTurtle
  SetSC Black SetPC Green SetPS 1 PenUp

To Init
  # Global lists, 7 tan pieces and picture list
  Make "Tans [[Tri1 24] [Tri2 24] [Tri2 17] [Squ] [Par] [Tri1 12] [Tri2 12]]
  Make "Pics [[Start] [Running_Man]]

To Display
  # write header title and name
  SetPC White SetH 0
  SetPos [-190 184] Label Sentence [Tangram] :EndName

To Slide
  For [Step 0 64] [Wash
  For [N 1 7] [
    Make "DD :Step / Minus 64
    SetX Delta :N :DD 1
    SetY Delta :N :DD 2
    SetH Delta :N :DD 3
    Run Item :N :Tans]
  Display Refresh Wait 120

To Delta :N :DD :M
  Make "Differ (Item :M Item :N :Start) - (Item :M Item :N :End)
  Output (Item :M Item :N :Start) + (:DD*:Differ)

To Go
  New Animation Init
  Make "Start Run (Item 1 :Pics)     # Global list
  Make "EndName Item 2 :Pics
  Make "End Run (:EndName)     # Global list
  Make "Start :End
  Make "EndName Item 1 :Pics
  Make "End Run (:EndName)     # Update global lists

To Tri1 :Side
  Make "Slant :Side*SqRt 2
  Right 45 Back 1.33*:Slant Left 45
  SetPC Sentence [0 0] :Side * 5 PenDown
  Forward 4*:Side Right 135 Forward 4*:Slant
  Right 135 Forward 4*:Side PenUp
  Right 135 Forward 1.33*:Slant PenDown FillZone PenUp
  Back 1.33*:Slant Left 45
  SetPC White PenDown
  Forward 4*:Side Right 135 Forward 4*:Slant
  Right 135 Forward 4*:Side PenUp

To Tri2 :Side
  Make "Slant :Side*SqRt 2
  Right 45 Back 1.33*:Slant Left 45
  SetPC Sentence :Side * 5 [0 0] PenDown
  Forward 4*:Side Right 135 Forward 4*:Slant
  Right 135 Forward 4*:Side PenUp
  Right 135 Forward 1.33*:Slant Pd FillZone PenUp
  Back 1.33*:Slant Left 45
  SetPC White PenDown
  Forward 4*:Side Right 135 Forward 4*:Slant
  Right 135 Forward 4*:Side PenUp

To Squ
  Back 34 Left 45
  SetPC [0 108 0] PenDown
  Repeat 4 [Forward 48 Right 90] PenUp
  Right 45 Forward 34 Pd FillZone Pu
  Back 34 Left 45 SetPC White PenDown
  Repeat 4 [Forward 48 Right 90] PenUp

To Par
  Back 24 Left 90
  SetPC DarkGreen PenDown
  Repeat 2 [Forward 48 rt 135 Forward 68 rt 45] PenUp
  Right 90 Forward 24 Pd FillZone Pu
  Back 24 Left 90 SetPC White PenDown
  Repeat 2 [Forward 48 Right 135 Forward 68 Right 45] PenUp

To Start
  Output [[-45 0 -135] [0 46 -45] [46 -46 -90] [0 -34 0]
    [52 17 -45] [-34 -57 135] [24 0 45]]

To Running_Man
  Output [[20 -67 0] [0 22 -180] [-30 -90 45] [0 90 20]
    [58 4 -90] [0 -135 225] [95 -90 180]]


Book Info
Pages many

Procedures blue
Variables pink
Comments green
Library gray