Koch Snowflake Curve

- XLogo

Blue Ball

The Koch Snowflake curve encloses a finite area but has infinite perimeter.

To New
  # set default screen, pen and turtle values
  ResetAll SetScreenSize [400 400] HideTurtle
  SetSC Black SetPC Green SetPS 1 PenUp

To Init
  PenUp SetPos [-160 -90] PenDown

To KOut :Level :Side
  SetH 30 Repeat 3 [Koch :Level :Side Right 120]

To Koch :Level :Side
  If :Level < 1 [
    Wait Integer (0.2*:Side)     # Comment out this line for no waits
    Forward :Side Stop]
  Koch :Level-1 :Side/3 Left 60
  Koch :Level-1 :Side/3 Right 120
  Koch :Level-1 :Side/3 Left 60
  Koch :Level-1 :Side/3

To Go :Level
  New Init KOut :Level 320

Type in go and the level eg go 2 to draw a level 2 Koch outside curve.

To KIn :Level :Side
  SetH 90 Repeat 3 [Koch :Level :Side Left 120]

To Go :Level
  New Init KIn :Level 320

Copy and paste the above two procedures into the XLogo editor and type in go and the level eg go 2 to draw a level 2 Koch inside curve.

To GoX :LevelIn :LevelOut
  New Init SetPC Gray KIn 0 320
  SetPC Red KIn :LevelIn 320
  SetPC Green KOut :LevelOut 320

Copy and paste the above procedure into XLogo editor and type in GoX and the inside and outside levels eg GoX 3 2 to draw Koch curves both inside and outside in red and green.

Koch Curve

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Self Similar

Procedures blue
Variables pink
Comments green
Library gray