Lace Curve

- plane filling curve


This curve fills a 30 60 right angled triangle. It is repeated twice to form an equalateral triangle, which can then be filled.

To New
  # set default screen, pen and turtle values
  ResetAll SetScreenSize [400 400] HideTurtle
  SetSC Black SetPC Green SetPS 1 PenUp

To Bend :Level :Parity :Dir
  If :Level < 1 [Forward :Size Right :Parity*60 Forward :Size Stop]
  Right :Dir* Minus :Parity*30
  Bend :Level-1 Minus :Parity :Dir
  Turn :Parity*(60+:Dir*30)
  Bend :Level-1 Minus :Parity Minus :Dir
  Turn :Parity*(60-:Dir*30)
  Bend :Level-1 Minus :Parity :Dir
  Right :Dir* :Parity*30

To Turn :Angle
  Right :Angle Forward :Size Right :Angle

To Go :Level
  New SetPC Yellow
  GlobalMake "Size 105/(Power 1.81 :Level)     # global value
  PenUp SetXY Minus :Size/2 Minus 170 PenDown Left 30
  Bend :Level 1 1 Right 60 Forward :Size Right 60
  Bend :Level 1 Minus 1 Right 60 Forward :Size
  PenUp Home SetPC [48 48 48] Wait 30 Fill     # comment out for no fill

Enter go and the level eg go 2 to draw a second order Lace curve.
Enter go 0 for the basic path, up to go 5 or go 6 for increasingly complex paths.

Add the following procedure GoX to overlay Lace curves of level 0 to 5.

To GoX
  Make "Cols [4 1 11 9 15 3]
  For [Level 0 5] [
    GlobalMake "Size 105/(Power 1.81 :Level)
    SetPW 6-:Level SetPC Item (:Level+1) :Cols
    PenUp SetXY Minus :Size/2 Minus 160 SetH 0
    Back Item (:Level+1) [-17 0 7 9 8 5] PenDown Left 30   # fudge factor
    Bend :Level 1 1 Right 60 Forward :Size Right 60
    Bend :Level 1 Minus 1 Right 60 Forward :Size
    Wait 90]

The fudge factor allows more exact overlay of the curves.

Lace Curve
Lace Curve

Procedures blue
Variables pink
Comments green
Library gray