Dice Cube

- 3D face numbers

The challenge here was to create a simple cube with faces labelled correctly 1 to 6, so that opposite faces total 7. This was the best solution. The numerals need to be 1 pixel above the surface, otherwise they randomly disappear as the cube is turned.

To New
  # set default screen, pen and turtle values
  ResetAll SetScreenSize [400 400] HideTurtle
  SetSC Black SetPC Green SetPS 1 PenUp

To Cube :Side
  For [P 0 2] [
    For [Q 0 1] [
      GlobalMake "Col 3*:Q+:P+1    # series 1 2 3 4 5 6
      Parasol :Side
      Up 180]
    Up 90 Left 90]

To Parasol :Side
  Forward :Side/2 Down 90
  SetPC :Col Square3D :Side
  SetPC White Text3D :Col
  Up 90 Back :Side/2

To Square3D :Side
  # square (side x side) drawn from centre (tp)
  Back :Side/2 Right 90 Back :Side/2 PenDown
  PolyStart Repeat 4 [Forward :Side Left 90] PolyEnd
  PenUp Forward :Side/2 Left 90 Forward :Side/2     # return to centre

To Text3D :Label
  # label text 1 pixel above surface (tp)
  Right 90 Back (LabelLength :Col) /2 Left 90 Back FontSize/1.8
  Up 90 Forward 1 Down 90
  TextStart Label :Col TextEnd
  Up 90 Back 1 Down 90    # 1 pixel above face
  Forward FontSize/1.8 Right 90
  Forward (LabelLength :Col) /2 Left 90    # return to centre

To Go
  New Perspective CS PenUp
  HideTurtle SetSC Black SetFS 280 Left 12
  Cube 300 Wait 30
  Message [View3D?] View3D

Face Cube

Procedures blue
Variables pink
Comments green
Library gray