Twisted Rose Curves

- polar plots

In spiral and rose curve polar plots, the Angle increased uniformly. By making the Angle dependent on Radius and Sine Angle, we can add a twist to the rose petals.

To New
  # set default screen, pen and turtle values
  ResetAll SetScreenSize [400 400] HideTurtle
  SetSC Black SetPC Green SetPS 1 PenUp

To PtoR :RadDist :Theta
  # convert polar to rectangular co-ordinates
  LocalMake "X :RadDist *Sin :Theta
  LocalMake "Y :RadDist *Cos :Theta
  Output List :X :Y

To Spiral :Ang
  # Twisted Rose Curve
  Make "Radius 180*Sin(6*:Ang)
  Make "Angle :Ang + (:Radius/4)
  Output PtoR :Radius :Angle

To Go
  New SetPC Yellow
  For [Ang 0 360] [
    SetPos Spiral :Ang PenDown]

Try out the following ...

To Spiral :Angle
  # Twisted Rose Curve2
  Make "Radius 180*Sin(4*:Angle)
  Make "Angle :Angle + :Radius
  Output PtoR :Radius :Angle

Also, see an animated sequence of 24 twisted rose curves.

Or even simply

To Spiral :Angle
  # Twisted Rose Simple
  Make "Radius 160*Sin :Angle
  Make "Angle :Angle + :Radius
  Output PtoR :Radius :Angle

Twisted Rose 1
Twisted Rose


Twisted Rose 2
Twisted Rose 2

Procedures blue
Variables pink
Comments green
Library gray