Knights Tour

- chessboard puzzle

A classic chess board puzzle is the Knights Tour. Starting with a knight on any square, complete a tour of the board visiting every square. The knight moves in its normal manner. It is all too easy to get trapped, usually in the boards corners.

This program starts in a random square and then moves randomly to the next available square, until no more moves are possible.

To New
  # set default screen, pen and turtle values
  ResetAll SetScreenSize [400 400] HideTurtle
  SetSC Black SetPC Green SetPS 1 PenUp

To Init
  Make "Moves [1 2 2 1 -1 -2 -2 -1 1 2]
  Make "Free [ ] Repeat 64 [Make "Free LPut 0 :Free]

To Title
  # write header
  SetPC White
  SetPos [-190 180] Label [Knight's Tour]

To Gridd :Xc :Yc
  # return X Y screen position
  Make "X (38*:Xc) - 132
  Make "Y (38*:Yc) - 132
  Output List :X :Y

To DrawBoard
  SetPC Brown Square 334 SetPC [96 57 19] Fill
  SetPC Brown Square 310 SetPC [199 178 153] Fill
  SetPC Brown Repeat 4 [
  SetH (Repcount*90)-45 Forward 220 PenDown Forward 15 PenUp Home]
  # label grid numbers
  SetPC [64 64 64] Repeat 8 [
    SetPos Gridd RepCount-1 Minus 1.25
    Label Character 96+RepCount
    SetPos Gridd 8.15 RepCount-1
    Label RepCount]
  # draw 64 alt colored squares
  For (List "N 0 7) [
    For (List "M 0 7) [
    SetPos Gridd :M :N
    SetPC Brown Square 32
    If Even? (:M+:N) [SetPC [117 76 36] ] [SetPC [198 156 109] ] Fill ] ]

To Empty :X :Y
  # Output True if Cell is empty and within board
  If And And And (:X>-1) (:X<8) (:Y>-1) (:Y<8) [
    If ( 0=Item (1+:X+8*:Y) :Free) [Output "True] ]
  Output "False

To Step :Xc :Yc :Count
  # move to next square and update 'free' list
  SetPos Gridd :Xc :Yc PenUp
  If :Count=0 [SetPC Green Square 32]
  SetPC Black Label :Count
  Make "Free Replace :Free (1+:Xc+8*:Yc) 1
  Write (Word :Xc :Yc "\ )
  Make "Poss NextPos :Xc :Yc
  # choose a random next move
  If 0<Count :Poss [
    SetPC Red PenDown
    Make "NextPos (Pick :Poss) Wait 20
    Step First :NextPos Last :NextPos :Count+1]

To NextPos :Xc :Yc
  # return list of possible next moves
  Make "Poss [ ]
  Repeat 8 [
    Make "Xn :Xc + Item RepCount :Moves
    Make "Yn :Yc + Item RepCount+2 :Moves
    If Empty :Xn :Yn [
    Make "Poss LPut List :Xn :Yn :Poss] ]
  Output :Poss

To Even? :Num
  # return 'true' if Num even, else return 'false'
  If (Mod :Num 2)=0 [Output "True] [Output "False]

To Square :Side
  # square (side x side) drawn from centre (tp)
  Back :Side/2 Right 90 Back :Side/2 PenDown
  Repeat 4 [
    Forward :Side Left 90]
  PenUp Forward :Side/2 Left 90 Forward :Side/2     # r2c

To Go
  New Init Title
  Home DrawBoard Wait 40
  SetPW 2 Step Random 8 Random 8 0
  SetPC Yellow Square 32

A better method is to take into account the number of possible moves from each square and instead of a random pick, choose the next square with fewest available moves. This should remove squares with few outlets and increase the average length of the tour.
The gallery shows a closed tour found after 5 tries.

To NextPos :Xc :Yc
  # return best list of possible next moves
  Make "Poss [ ] Make "High 8
  Repeat 8 [
    Make "Xn :Xc + Item RepCount :Moves
    Make "Yn :Yc + Item RepCount+2 :Moves
    If Empty :Xn :Yn [

      Make "PossNo 0
      Repeat 8 [
        Make "Xt :Xn + Item RepCount :Moves
        Make "Yt :Yn + Item RepCount+2 :Moves
        If Empty :Xt :Yt [
        Make "f :PossNo + 1] ]

      If :PossNo < :High [
        Make "Poss [ ] Make "High :PossNo
        Make "Poss LPut List :Xn :Yn :Poss ] [
        If :PossNo = :High [ Make "Poss LPut List :Xn :Yn :Poss ] ] ] ]
  Output :Poss

Here is a textbook complete Knight's Tour. You can copy and paste the text window list into list "Tour to redraw any tour.

To GoX
  New DrawBoard Title Wait 40 SetPW 2
  Make "Tour [00 21 40 61 73 65 77 56 75 63 71 50 31 10 02 14 06 27 46 67 55 76 64 52 33 54 35 47 26 07 15 03 11 30 51 70 62 74 66 45 57 36 17 05 13 01 20 41 60 72 53 32 24 43 22 34 42 23 44 25 37 16 04 12 00]
  Repeat Count :Tour [
    Make "Cell Item RepCount :Tour
    SetPC Red SetPos Gridd First :Cell Last :Cell
    SetPC Black cLabel RepCount-1 PenDown Wait 20]
  # return to first cell and border in yellow
  SetPC Red Make "Cell Item 1 :Tour
  SetPos Gridd First :Cell Last :Cell
  SetPC Yellow PenUp Square 32

Knights Tour
Knight's Tour


Also see
Knight's Tour 3D

Procedures blue
Variables pink
Comments green
Library gray