Partridge Puzzle

- square disection

A famous puzzle which asks if a square can be divided into a consecutive number of smaller squares. Here, a 36x36 square is disected into 36 squares of size one 1x1 to eight 8x8 squares.


This program does not calculate a solution. It simply draws two possible solutions using a list of all the squares centre points.

By the way, the puzzle of using a 70x70 square is still unresolved.

To New
  # set default screen, pen and turtle values
  ResetAll SetScreenSize [400 400] HideTurtle
  SetSC Black SetPC Green SetPS 1 PenUp

To Init
  Make "Centres1 [[30.5 31.5] [22 14] [29 17]
  [14.5 9.5] [31.5 29.5] [34.5 29.5] [15 13] [19 13] [25 34] [29 34]
  [18.5 8.5] [25.5 15.5] [8.5 17.5] [13.5 17.5] [33.5 33.5]
  [19 3] [25 3] [3 11] [3 17] [33 19] [33 25] [24.5 9.5] [9.5 11.5] [19.5   18.5] [26.5 21.5] [19.5 25.5] [26.5 28.5] [19.5 32.5]
  [4 4] [12 4] [32 4] [32 12] [4 24] [12 24] [4 32] [12 32]]
  Make "Centres2 [[21.5 14.5] [23 15] [23 17]
  [22.5 9.5] [22.5 12.5] [20.5 16.5] [26 14] [26 18] [26 22] [26 26]
  [21.5 20.5] [9.5 23.5] [21.5 25.5] [9.5 28.5] [9.5 33.5]
  [27 3] [33 3] [27 9] [33 9] [10 18] [16 18]
  [3.5 11.5] [10.5 11.5] [17.5 11.5] [3.5 18.5] [15.5 24.5] [3.5 25.5] [3.5 32.5]
  [4 4] [12 4] [20 4] [32 16] [32 24] [16 32] [24 32] [32 32]]

To Draw :Centres
  For [Size 1 8] [
    Repeat :Size [
      SetPC Item :Size [1 2 3 8 12 13 15 16]
      Make "Centre First :Centres
      SetXY 10*((First :Centre)-18) Minus 10*((Last :Centre)-18)
      Square 10*:Size-PenWidth    # exact size
      SetPC Light PenColor Fill
      If :Size>1 [SetPC Black Back 5 Right 90 Back 3 Left 90 Label :Size]     Wait 6
    Make "Centres ButFirst :Centres]]

To Square :Side
  # square (side x side) drawn from centre (tp)
  Back :Side/2 Right 90 Back :Side/2 PenDown
  Repeat 4 [
    Forward :Side Left 90]
  PenUp Forward :Side/2 Left 90 Forward :Side/2     # r2c

To Light :Hue
  # output rgb list midway between :hue and white
  Repeat 3 [
    Make "Hue ButFirst LPut Int (255+(First :Hue))/2 :Hue]
  Output :Hue

To Go
  New Init
  Draw :Centres1 Wait 300 Wash
  Draw :Centres2


Procedures blue
Variables pink
Comments green
Library gray