Plastic Number

- 1.3247

This is a spiral of equalateral triangles, increasing in size by approx 1.3.
A logarithmic spiral can be drawn through their corners. Here, the spiral is approximated by a 60 degree arc in each triangle.

The centre of each triangle is labelled with the length of it's side.
Also, three lists are updated in turn with triangle corner coordinates, allowing three diagonals to be automatically drawn.

To New
  # set default screen, pen and turtle values
  ResetAll SetScreenSize [400 400] HideTurtle
  SetSC Black SetPC Green SetPS 1 PenUp

To Init :N
  Make "Parity 0
  Repeat :N [
    Make Word "Diag RepCount-1 List [0 0] [0 0] ]

To Section :Side
  # spiral of triangles
  If :Side > 400 [Stop]     # stop when side too long
  SetPC Green Repeat 2 [Forward :Side Right 120]
  SetPC Red rArc 60 :Side Left 60     # draw arc
  SetPC Green Repeat 2 [Forward :Side Right 120]
  AddDiag 3
  If :Side > 30 [AddInfo 3 Integer :Side]
  Left 60 Wait 20
  Section :Side*1.3247     # do again with larger side

To AddInfo :N :Side
  # label size
  Make "R (:Side/2)*(1/(Sin (180/:N)) )     # Distance to polygon center
  Right 90-(180/:N) PenUp Forward :R
  Make "myH Heading
  # Make "Blue (:N * :Side) / 6 SetPC (List 0 0 :Blue) Fill SetPC White
  SetH 0 SetFontJustify [1 1] SetPC White Label :Side
  SetH :myH Back :R Left 90-(180/:N) PenDown

To AddDiag :N
  # Add current turtle position to next diagonal list
  Make "Name Word "Diag :Parity
  Make :Name LPut Pos ButFirst Thing :Name
  Make "Parity Mod :Parity+1 :N

To Diagonals :N
  # Draw diagonals 1 to N
  SetPC Blue Repeat :N [
    PenUp SetPos First Thing Word "Diag RepCount-1
    PenDown SetPos Last Thing Word "Diag RepCount-1 ]

To Display :Title
  PenUp SetPC White SetH 0
  SetPos [-184 180] Label :Title

To rArc :Angle :Radius
  # clockwise arc drawn relative to turtle heading
  Arc :Radius Heading :Angle+Heading Right :Angle

To Go
  New Init 3
  Display [Plastic Number 1.3247]
  SetPos [78 -16] Left 90 PenDown
  Section 1.2     # begin with triangle of side 1.2
  Diagonals 3 Wait 20

Squares use the golden ratio of 1.618. Thier side lengths form a Fibonacci series. Modify the Section and Go procedures by pasting in the following code.

To Section :Side
  # spiral of squares
  If :Side > 400 [Stop]     # stop when side too long
  SetPC Green Repeat 3 [Forward :Side Right 90]
  SetPC Red rArc 90 :Side Left 90     # draw arc
  SetPC Green Repeat 2 [Forward :Side Right 90]
  AddDiag 2
  SetPC Green Repeat 1 [Forward :Side Right 90]
  If :Side > 30 [AddInfo 4 Integer :Side]
  Left 90 Wait 20
  Section :Side*1.618     # do again with larger side

To Go
  New Init 2
  Display [Plastic Number 1.618]
  SetPos [86 -20] PenDown
  Section 1.2     # begin with triangle of side 1.2
  Diagonals 2 Wait 20

Spiral of Hexagons.

To Section :Side
  # spiral of hexagons
  If :Side > 130 [Stop]     # stop when side too long
  SetPC Green Repeat 4 [Forward :Side Right 60]
  Forward :Side/2 Right 40
  SetPC Red rArc 100 1.32*:Side Left 100     # draw arc
  SetPC Green Left 40 Forward :Side/2 Right 60
  Repeat 4 [Forward :Side Right 60]
  AddDiag 3
  If :Side > 14 [AddInfo 6 Integer :Side]
  Left 120 Wait 20
  Section :Side*1.2112     # do again with larger side

To Go
  New Init 3
  Display [Plastic Hex 1.2112]
  SetPos [54 -12] PenDown
  Section 1.2     # begin with triangle of side 1.2
  Diagonals 3 Wait 20

Spiral of Octagons.

To Section :Side
  # spiral of octagons
  If :Side > 70 [Stop]     # stop when side too long
  SetPC Green Repeat 6 [Forward :Side Right 45]
  SetPC Red Right 22 rArc 90 1.84*:Side Left 112     # draw arc
  SetPC Green Repeat 6 [Forward :Side Right 45]
  AddDiag 4
  If :Side > 8 [AddInfo 8 Integer :Side]
  Left 135 Wait 20
  Section :Side*1.111     # do again with larger side

To Go
  New Init 4
  Display [Plastic Octal 1.111]
  SetPos [42 -8] Right 90 PenDown
  Section 1.2     # begin with triangle of side 1.2
  Diagonals 4 Wait 20

Plastic Number
Plastic Number


Golden Number
Golden Number

Book Info
book cover
Pages 100-104

Procedures blue
Variables pink
Comments green
Library gray